Anette Wilstrup Torgersen


Anette has experience from the recruitment industry since 1998. She has held several roles as manager and partner since 2001, within temporary and permanent placements of professionals mainly towards the oil & gas industry within accounting / finance, IT and engineering.

Anette comes from the position as general manager and partner in Qualified Solutions Stavanger AS. Prior to this, she was employed for 6 years as a Partner at FinnPersonal in Stavanger, Head of Manpower Professional Engineering in Stavanger, established Ajilon Finance in Stavanger and responsible sourcing manager for recruitment for Ajilon IT / Finance & Engineering. In 2000, she established Proffice Selection in Stavanger. She has a background from the Scandinavian Airline System in crew management, where she was employed for 11 years.

Certified user of personal profile analysis: Cut-e, SHL OPQ and CCSQ, OPTO & EASI from Master Management, SLG DISC and Profiles Nordic.